This was an excellent read. Thank you, Lincoln.

I'm intrigued with Hoke's process, and how he evoked the voice of his creature via short meditations. I'm trying to solve a similar predicament with my Dahmer novel -- although given a choice I'd rather be stranded in a mountain lion's brainpan.

On a side note: As you demonstrate here, I wish more Substackers would keep their posts concise and succinct. Too many authors are writing now, without editors (and their [the editor's] red pencil).

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Thank you!

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I just finished Open Throat last week and haven't been able to put it out of my mind. Great questions and conversation around such a spare, yet rich story. Definitely will be reading more by him.

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This is an interesting insight into the author’s approach to writing and the process of getting published. Thanks so much for this interview.

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