Definitely the boundaries of these things are very blurry. Ignoring AI, where are the exact borders between straight plagiarism/copying, ripping off, uncreative pastiche, creative pastiche, and original style? No single answer, surely. AI adds a whole nother layer of confusion since sometimes AI truly copies an image (like the Joker exam…
Definitely the boundaries of these things are very blurry. Ignoring AI, where are the exact borders between straight plagiarism/copying, ripping off, uncreative pastiche, creative pastiche, and original style? No single answer, surely. AI adds a whole nother layer of confusion since sometimes AI truly copies an image (like the Joker example I posted) and other times it is remixing a bunch of work into something new if generic (the impressionist AI paintings in the quiz).
I don't think pastiche is bad at all. But I do think you could do this exact quiz with human artists, instead of AI, doing imitations or copies of impressionist paintings and most regular people--myself included!--probably could not always tell the difference. To me, these AI images show AI is close to imitating digital images in styles they've been trained on. That's very impressive, on a technical level. I don't think it shows "creativity" nor do I think regular people being unable to do better than 60-40 at distinguishing old innovative paintings from modern imitations (human or ai!) means much.
The ability of humans or AI to imitate old styles definitely depends somewhat on the style. Wiley paints in a technically difficult style. Impressionism is easier to imitate. And something like Rothko of course would be very easy to imitate, especially in small jpg form. Obviously his canvases are more impressive in their giant, real form.
Definitely the boundaries of these things are very blurry. Ignoring AI, where are the exact borders between straight plagiarism/copying, ripping off, uncreative pastiche, creative pastiche, and original style? No single answer, surely. AI adds a whole nother layer of confusion since sometimes AI truly copies an image (like the Joker example I posted) and other times it is remixing a bunch of work into something new if generic (the impressionist AI paintings in the quiz).
I don't think pastiche is bad at all. But I do think you could do this exact quiz with human artists, instead of AI, doing imitations or copies of impressionist paintings and most regular people--myself included!--probably could not always tell the difference. To me, these AI images show AI is close to imitating digital images in styles they've been trained on. That's very impressive, on a technical level. I don't think it shows "creativity" nor do I think regular people being unable to do better than 60-40 at distinguishing old innovative paintings from modern imitations (human or ai!) means much.
The ability of humans or AI to imitate old styles definitely depends somewhat on the style. Wiley paints in a technically difficult style. Impressionism is easier to imitate. And something like Rothko of course would be very easy to imitate, especially in small jpg form. Obviously his canvases are more impressive in their giant, real form.